
For the 2023-2024 school year, we will have Boys and Girls Basketball as well as Girls Volleyball teams available. While we grow our school, we will initially offer basketball and volleyball through high school parish teams with St. Catherine of Siena parish. These teams are open to high school students who are parishioners at St. Catherine’s parish, regardless of where they attend school. All Chesterton Academy students, however, regardless of their registered parish, will be able to play on the St. Catherine’s parish teams. The parish teams will be part of the Catholic Metro Sports leagues and will compete against several other parishes and schools in the Archdiocese of Atlanta who have high school teams. Volleyball registration begins in July, and the season begins in August. Basketball registration begins in October, and the season begins in November.
In addition to basketball and volleyball, we will also have a Chesterton Academy Golf Club for boys and girls. Initially, this will not be a team that will compete against other parishes or schools. However, the students will have the opportunity to develop their golf skills and compete against each other.